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Teaching: Courses and Workshops

I have been teaching game design in HEO adult education college during semestes 2022-2023 and 2023-2024.


My courses combine best summaries of the theory of the course topics with practical exercises and game project works.


My courses and topics, which I have taught, include:


  • Orientation to Studies


  • Introduction to Game Design


  • Game Narrative Design


  • Prototyping


  • Portfolio Design


  • Project Management


  • Autumn Game Project (2D game made with Unity)


  • Portfolio 2 (game web site design and game distribution platforms)


  • UX/UI Design


  • Game Jam (introduction to Game Jam event and participation to Game Jam event, where a video game is designed and created during 48 hours)


  • Monetization Models and Branding


  • Spring Game Project (3D game made with Unity)


The student feedback in the semester 2022-23 was highly positive: all 18 starting students continued their studies until the end. The content of the game design courses I taught received special praise.


As for the overall grades in the academic year 2022-2023, a remarkable 81% were either very good (4) or excellent (5).


You can read more information about the courses I have taught in this section.


If you need help with teaching courses or organizing workshops related to UX/UI design, game design service design or marketing, contact me by clicking the button below!


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Autumn and Spring Game Project Works (2D and 3D game projects)

As a Game Design Teacher

In the course I taught, students brainstormed, designed, and implemented 2D (fall) and 3D game (spring) prototypes in teams of 4 using Unity, incorporating storytelling elements and sound effects.


During the course, students tested their games weekly and utilized feedback from testers to improve their games. They presented their game progress, testing feedback, and future plans on a weekly basis. To support the development and documentation of their games, students used a brief game design document.


Additionally, students created websites, pages, social media channels, and trailers to market their games as part of the course.


Through the course, students learned to independently apply their previous knowledge and leverage their strengths in game design and implementation as part of a game design team. They also learned to utilize project planning and management methods to support teamwork and game development.


The course also focused on teaching students how to report and present the progress of their games during different stages of game design and development.


My responsibilities in the course included teaching the design process, leading the course, guiding the projects, and providing feedback on the final works.


On the left, you can see examples of 2D games created by two student teams, Hi5 and Katkerat Kävyt, within a 5-week timeframe from ideation to a finished game prototype.

Reaper of the Valley Game Trailer by a team Katkerat Kävyt

Tale of Lighthouse Game Trailer by a team Hi5

UX/UI Design

As a Game Design Teacher

In my UX/UI Design course, students familiarized themselves with the tasks of a UX designer in the game design process. The course emphasizes the importance of designing user interfaces and usability in video games for a successful gaming experience.


During the course, students test a case game and conduct a usability evaluation, after which they plan and design an improved version of the game's user interface.


Through the course, students learn to recognize the significance of user experience (UX), usability, and user interfaces (UI) in game design. They become familiar with the tasks and stages of the UX designer's workflow. Students also learn to utilize key UX/UI design methods to support user-centered game design.


The course exercises included:


  • Independent testing of a case game and conducting a usability evaluation


  • Creating a usability report based on the evaluation, working in pairs


  • - Defining the target audience for the game: Designing two user personas for the case game


  • Planning the user's customer journey: Creating a Customer Journey Map from the perspective of the game's user experience


  • Sketching improved versions of the game's user interface


  • Creating wireframe views of the improved user interface based on identified problems and conducting user testing. Using Balsamiq as a tool


  • Creating an interactive prototype based on feedback from user testing. Using or alternatively, Balsamiq as a tool


My responsibilities in the course included planning and delivering lectures and course exercises on UX and UI design, as well as providing feedback on the completed course assignments.

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Instruction example for the main exercise of the UX/UI Design course

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Instruction example for User Journey Map exercise for UX/UI Design course

Project Management

As a Game Design Teacher

In the Project Management course, students learned important project management and planning methods and tools that are crucial in the game industry. These methods and tools facilitate teamwork and ensure clarity and adherence to schedules throughout the game design process.


The course extensively utilized the widely used Trello tool in the gaming industry.


Through the course, students gained an understanding of the significance of project management and planning in the game design process. Additionally, they learned to utilize key project management tools specific to game design and software development.


The course exercises included:


  • Designing user personas for their own game, representing the target audience


  • Conducting a competitor analysis for their own game


  •  Learning to use the Trello project management tool


  • Utilizing the Google Drive platform for project management purposes


  • Creating a Brief Game Design Document (a concise game design plan)


  • Presenting the game idea using visualization techniques, such as a Vision Board canvas


My responsibilities in the course included planning and delivering lectures and course exercises on project management, as well as providing feedback on the completed course assignments.


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Examples of User Persona and Vision Board exercises of Project Management course

Monetization and Brand Design

As a Game Design Teacher

In the Monetization and Branding course, students explored various monetization models and marketing channels for games. Within the course, teams designed monetization strategies for their final projects and implemented a small-scale plan for the branding and marketing of their games.


Through the course, students learned to leverage monetization models in the design of their game's revenue generation. Additionally, they acquired the skills to execute a small-scale plan for game marketing and branding. Students also learned to utilize marketing tools in presenting their revenue generation and marketing plans.


The course exercises included:


  • Designing monetization strategies for their own games and presenting the proposed revenue models


  • Conducting a SWOT analysis for their game and game development team


  • Planning game marketing and branding using the Brand Identity Canvas and Growth Marketing Canvas methodologies


My responsibilities in the course included planning and delivering lectures and course exercises on monetization and branding, as well as providing feedback on the completed course assignments.

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Example of Swot-analysis exercise template used in Monetization and Brand course

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